PLS (complexity)
In computational complexity theory, Polynomial Local Search (PLS) is a complexity class that models the difficulty of finding a locally optimal solution to an optimization problem. The main characteristics of problems that lie in PLS are that the cost of a solution can be calculated in polynomial time and the neighborhood of a solution can be searched in polynomial time. Therefore it is possible to verify whether or not a solution is a local optimum in polynomial time.
Furthermore, depending on the problem and the algorithm that is used for solving the problem, it might be faster to find a local optimum instead of a global optimum.
1 Description
1.1 Example
2 Formal Definition
2.1 Example neighborhood structures
3 The standard Algorithm
4 Reductions
4.1 PLS-reduction
4.2 Tight PLS-reduction
4.2.1 Definition Transition graph
4.2.2 Definition Tight PLS-reduction
5 Relationship to other complexity classes
6 PLS-completeness
6.1 Definition
6.2 List of PLS-complete Problems
7 References
When searching for a local optimum, there are two interesting issues to deal with: First how to find a local optimum, and second how long it takes to find a local optimum. For many local search algorithms, it is not known, whether they can find a local optimum in polynomial time or not.[1] So to answer the question of how long it takes to find a local optimum, Johnson, Papadimitriou and Yannakakis [2] introduced the complexity class PLS in their paper "How easy is local search". It contains local search problems for which the local optimality can be verified in polynomial time.
A local search problem is in PLS, if the following properties are satisfied:
- The size of every solution is polynomial bounded in the size of the instance I{displaystyle I}
- It is possible to find some solution of a problem instance in polynomial time.
- It is possible to calculate the cost of each solution in polynomial time.
- It is possible to find all neighbors of each solution in polynomial time.
With these properties, it is possible to find for each solution s{displaystyle s} the best neighboring solution or if there is no such better neighboring solution, state that s{displaystyle s}
is a local optimum.
Consider the following instance I{displaystyle I} of the Max-2Sat Problem: (x1∨x2)∧(¬x1∨x3)∧(¬x2∨x3){displaystyle (x_{1}vee x_{2})wedge (neg x_{1}vee x_{3})wedge (neg x_{2}vee x_{3})}
. The aim is to find an assignment, that maximizes the sum of the satisfied clauses.
A solution s{displaystyle s} for that instance is a bit string that assigns every xi{displaystyle x_{i}}
the value 0 or 1. In this case, a solution consists of 3 bits, for example s=000{displaystyle s=000}
, which stands for the assignment of x1{displaystyle x_{1}}
to x3{displaystyle x_{3}}
with the value 0. The set of solutions FL(I){displaystyle F_{L}(I)}
is the set of all possible assignments of x1{displaystyle x_{1}}
, x2{displaystyle x_{2}}
and x3{displaystyle x_{3}}
The cost of each solution is the number of satisfied clauses, so cL(I,s=000)=2{displaystyle c_{L}(I,s=000)=2} because the second and third clause are satisfied.
The Flip-neighbor of a solution s{displaystyle s} is reached by flipping one bit of the bit string s{displaystyle s}
, so the neighbors of s{displaystyle s}
are N(I,000)={100,010,001}{displaystyle N(I,000)={100,010,001}}
with the following costs:
cL(I,100)=2{displaystyle c_{L}(I,100)=2}
cL(I,010)=2{displaystyle c_{L}(I,010)=2}
cL(I,001)=2{displaystyle c_{L}(I,001)=2}
There are no neighbors with better costs than s{displaystyle s}, if we are looking for a solution with maximum cost. Even though s{displaystyle s}
is not a global optimum (which for example would be a solution s′=111{displaystyle s'=111}
that satisfies all clauses and has cL(I,s′)=3{displaystyle c_{L}(I,s')=3}
), s{displaystyle s}
is a local optimum, because none of its neighbors has better costs.
Intuitively it can be argued that this problem lies in PLS, because:
- It is possible to find a solution to an instance in polynomial time, for example by setting all bits to 0.
- It is possible to calculate the cost of a solution in polynomial time, by going once through the whole instance and counting the clauses that are satisfied.
- It is possible to find all neighbors of a solution in polynomial time, by taking the set of solutions that differ from s{displaystyle s}
in exactly one bit.
Formal Definition
A local search problem L{displaystyle L} has a set DL{displaystyle D_{L}}
of instances which are encoded using strings over a finite alphabet Σ{displaystyle Sigma }
. For each instance I{displaystyle I}
there exists a finite solution set FL(I){displaystyle F_{L}(I)}
. Let R{displaystyle R}
be the relation that models L{displaystyle L}
. The relation R⊆DL×FL(I):={(I,s)∣I∈DL,s∈FL(I)}{displaystyle Rsubseteq D_{L}times F_{L}(I):={(I,s)mid Iin D_{L},sin F_{L}(I)}}
is in PLS [2][3][4] if:
- The size of every solution s∈FL(I){displaystyle sin F_{L}(I)}
is polynomial bounded in the size of I{displaystyle I}
- Problem instances I∈DL{displaystyle Iin D_{L}}
and solutions s∈FL(I){displaystyle sin F_{L}(I)}
are polynomial time verifiable
- There is a polynomial time computable function A:DL→FL(I){displaystyle A:D_{L}rightarrow F_{L}(I)}
that returns for each instance I∈DL{displaystyle Iin D_{L}}
some solution s∈FL(I){displaystyle sin F_{L}(I)}
- There is a polynomial time computable function B:DL×FL(I)→R+{displaystyle B:D_{L}times F_{L}(I)rightarrow mathbb {R} ^{+}}
[5] that returns for each solution s∈FL(I){displaystyle sin F_{L}(I)}
of an instance I∈DL{displaystyle Iin D_{L}}
the cost cL(I,s){displaystyle c_{L}(I,s)}
- There is a polynomial time computable function N:DL×FL(I)→Powerset(FL(I)){displaystyle N:D_{L}times F_{L}(I)rightarrow Powerset(F_{L}(I))}
that returns the set of neighbors for an instance-solution pair
- There is a polynomial time computable function C:DL×FL(I)→N(I,s)∪{OPT}{displaystyle C:D_{L}times F_{L}(I)rightarrow N(I,s)cup {OPT}}
that returns a neighboring solution s′{displaystyle s'}
with better cost than solution s{displaystyle s}
, or states that s{displaystyle s}
is locally optimal
- For every instance I∈DL{displaystyle Iin D_{L}}
, R{displaystyle R}
exactly contains the pairs (I,s){displaystyle (I,s)}
where s{displaystyle s}
is a local optimal solution of I{displaystyle I}
An instance DL{displaystyle D_{L}} has the structure of an implicit graph (also called Transition graph [6]), the vertices being the solutions with two solutions s,s′∈FL(I){displaystyle s,s'in F_{L}(I)}
connected by a directed arc iff s′∈N(I,s){displaystyle s'in N(I,s)}
A local optimum is a solution s{displaystyle s}, that has no neighbor with better costs. In the implicit graph, a local optimum is a sink. A neighborhood where every local optimum is a global optimum, which is a solution with the best possible cost, is called an exact neighborhood.[6][1]
Example neighborhood structures
Example neighborhood structures for problems with boolean variables (or bit strings) as solution:
Flip[2] - The neighborhood of a solution s=x1,...,xn{displaystyle s=x_{1},...,x_{n}}can be achieved by negating (flipping) one arbitrary input bit xi{displaystyle x_{i}}
. So one solution s{displaystyle s}
and all its neighbors r∈N(I,s){displaystyle rin N(I,s)}
have Hamming distance one: H(s,r)=1{displaystyle H(s,r)=1}
Kernighan-Lin[2][6] - A solution r{displaystyle r}is a neighbor of solution s{displaystyle s}
if r{displaystyle r}
can be obtained from s{displaystyle s}
by a sequence of greedy flips, where no bit is flipped twice. This means, starting with s{displaystyle s}
, the Flip-neighbor s1{displaystyle s_{1}}
of s{displaystyle s}
with the best cost, or the least loss of cost, is chosen to be a neighbor of s in the Kernighan-Lin structure. As well as best (or least worst) neighbor of s1{displaystyle s_{1}}
, and so on, until si{displaystyle s_{i}}
is a solution where every bit of s{displaystyle s}
is negated. Note that it is not allowed to flip a bit back, if it once has been flipped.
k-Flip[7] - A solution r{displaystyle r}is a neighbor of solution s{displaystyle s}
if the Hamming distance H{displaystyle H}
between s{displaystyle s}
and r{displaystyle r}
is at most k{displaystyle k}
, so H(s,r)≤k{displaystyle H(s,r)leq k}
Example neighborhood structures for problems on graphs:
Swap[8] - A partition (P2,P3){displaystyle (P_{2},P_{3})}of nodes in a graph is a neighbor of a partition (P0,P1){displaystyle (P_{0},P_{1})}
if (P2,P3){displaystyle (P_{2},P_{3})}
can be obtained from (P0,P1){displaystyle (P_{0},P_{1})}
by swapping one node p0∈P0{displaystyle p_{0}in P_{0}}
with a node p1∈P1{displaystyle p_{1}in P_{1}}
Kernighan-Lin[1][2] - A partition (P2,P3){displaystyle (P_{2},P_{3})}is a neighbor of (P0,P1){displaystyle (P_{0},P_{1})}
if (P2,P3){displaystyle (P_{2},P_{3})}
can be obtained by a greedy sequence of swaps from nodes in P0{displaystyle P_{0}}
with nodes in P1{displaystyle P_{1}}
. This means the two nodes p0∈P0{displaystyle p_{0}in P_{0}}
and p1∈P1{displaystyle p_{1}in P_{1}}
are swapped, where the partition ((P0∖p0)∪p1,(P1∖p1)∪p0){displaystyle ((P_{0}setminus p_{0})cup p1,(P_{1}setminus p_{1})cup p_{0})}
gains the highest possible weight, or loses the least possible weight. Note that no node is allowed to be swapped twice.
Fiduccia-Matheyses [1][9] - This neighborhood is similar to the Kernighan-Lin neighborhood structure, it is a greedy sequence of swaps, except that each swap happens in two steps. First the p0∈P0{displaystyle p_{0}in P_{0}}with the most gain of cost, or the least loss of cost, is swapped to P1{displaystyle P_{1}}
, then the node p1∈P1{displaystyle p_{1}in P_{1}}
with the most cost, or the least loss of cost is swapped to P0{displaystyle P_{0}}
to balance the partitions again. Experiments have shown that Fiduccia-Mattheyses has a smaller run time in each iteration of the standard algorithm, though it sometimes finds an inferior local optimum.
FM-Swap[1] - This neighborhood structure is based on the Fiduccia-Mattheyses neighborhood structure. Each solution s=(P0,P1){displaystyle s=(P_{0},P_{1})}has only one neighbor, the partition obtained after the first swap of the Fiduccia-Mattheyses.
The standard Algorithm
Consider the following computational problem:
Given some instance I{displaystyle I} of a PLS problem L{displaystyle L}
, find a locally optimal solution s∈FL(I){displaystyle sin F_{L}(I)}
such that cL(I,s′)≥cL(I,s){displaystyle c_{L}(I,s')geq c_{L}(I,s)}
for all s′∈N(I,s){displaystyle s'in N(I,s)}
Every local search problem can be solved using the following iterative improvement algorithm:[2]
- Use AL{displaystyle A_{L}}
to find an initial solution s{displaystyle s}
- Use algorithm CL{displaystyle C_{L}}
to find a better solution s′∈N(I,s){displaystyle s'in N(I,s)}
. If such a solution exists, replace s{displaystyle s}
by s′{displaystyle s'}
and repeat step 2, else return s{displaystyle s}
Unfortunately, it generally takes an exponential number of improvement steps to find a local optimum even if the problem L{displaystyle L} can be solved exactly in polynomial time.[2] It is not necessary always to use the standard algorithm, there may be a different, faster algorithm for a certain problem. For example a local search algorithm used for Linear programming is the Simplex algorithm.
The run time of the standard algorithm is pseudo-polynomial in the number of different costs of a solution.[10]
The space the standard algorithm needs is only polynomial. It only needs to save the current solution s{displaystyle s}, which is polynomial bounded by definition.[1]
A Reduction of one problem to another may be used to show that the second problem is at least as difficult as the first. In particular, a PLS-reduction is used to prove that a local search problem that lies in PLS is also PLS-complete, by reducing a PLS-complete Problem to the one that shall be proven to be PLS-complete.
A local search problem L1{displaystyle L_{1}} is PLS-reducable[2] to a local search problem L2{displaystyle L_{2}}
if there are two polynomial time functions f:D1→D2{displaystyle f:D_{1}rightarrow D_{2}}
and g:D1×F2(f(I1))→F1(I1){displaystyle g:D_{1}times F_{2}(f(I_{1}))rightarrow F_{1}(I_{1})}
such that:
- if I1{displaystyle I_{1}}
is an instance of L1{displaystyle L_{1}}
, then f(I1){displaystyle f(I_{1})}
is an instance of L2{displaystyle L_{2}}
- if s2{displaystyle s_{2}}
is a solution for f(I1){displaystyle f(I_{1})}
of L2{displaystyle L_{2}}
, then g(I1,s2){displaystyle g(I_{1},s_{2})}
is a solution for I1{displaystyle I_{1}}
of L1{displaystyle L_{1}}
- if s2{displaystyle s_{2}}
is a local optimum for instance f(I1){displaystyle f(I_{1})}
of L2{displaystyle L_{2}}
, then g(I1,s2){displaystyle g(I_{1},s_{2})}
has to be a local optimum for instance I1{displaystyle I_{1}}
of L1{displaystyle L_{1}}
It is sufficient to only map the local optima of f(I1){displaystyle f(I_{1})} to the local optima of I1{displaystyle I_{1}}
, and to map all other solutions for example to the standard solution returned by A1{displaystyle A_{1}}
PLS-reductions are transitive.[2]
Tight PLS-reduction
Definition Transition graph
The transition graph[6]TI{displaystyle T_{I}} of an instance I{displaystyle I}
of a problem L{displaystyle L}
is a directed graph. The nodes represent all elements of the finite set of solutions FL(I){displaystyle F_{L}(I)}
and the edges point from one solution to the neighbor with strictly better cost. Therefore it is an acyclic graph. A sink, which is a node with no outgoing edges, is a local optimum.
The height of a vertex v{displaystyle v} is the length of the shortest path from v{displaystyle v}
to the nearest sink.
The height of the transition graph is the largest of the heights of all vertices, so it is the height of the largest shortest possible path from a node to its nearest sink.
Definition Tight PLS-reduction
A PLS-reduction (f,g){displaystyle (f,g)} from a local search problem L1{displaystyle L_{1}}
to a local search problem L2{displaystyle L_{2}}
is a
tight PLS-reduction[8] if for any instance I1{displaystyle I_{1}} of L1{displaystyle L_{1}}
, a subset R{displaystyle R}
of solutions
of instance I2=f(I1){displaystyle I_{2}=f(I_{1})} of L2{displaystyle L_{2}}
can be chosen, so that the following properties are satisfied:
R{displaystyle R}contains, among other solutions, all local optima of I2{displaystyle I_{2}}
- For every solution p{displaystyle p}
of I1{displaystyle I_{1}}
, a solution q∈R{displaystyle qin R}
of I2=f(I1){displaystyle I_{2}=f(I_{1})}
can be constructed in polynomial time, so that g(I1,q)=p{displaystyle g(I_{1},q)=p}
- If the transition graph Tf(I1){displaystyle T_{f(I_{1})}}
of f(I1){displaystyle f(I_{1})}
contains a direct path from q{displaystyle q}
to q0{displaystyle q_{0}}
, and q,q0∈R{displaystyle q,q_{0}in R}
, but all internal path vertices are outside R{displaystyle R}
, then for the corresponding solutions p=g(I1,q){displaystyle p=g(I_{1},q)}
and p0=g(I1,q0){displaystyle p_{0}=g(I_{1},q_{0})}
holds either p=p0{displaystyle p=p_{0}}
or TI1{displaystyle T_{I_{1}}}
contains an edge from p{displaystyle p}
to p0{displaystyle p_{0}}
Relationship to other complexity classes
PLS lies between the functional versions of P and NP: FP ⊆ PLS ⊆ FNP.[2]
PLS also is a subclass of TFNP,[11] that describes computational problems in which a solution is guaranteed to exist and can be recognized in polynomial time. For a problem in PLS, a solution is guaranteed to exist because the minimum-cost vertex of the entire graph is a valid solution, and the validity of a solution can be checked by computing its neighbors and comparing the costs of each one to another.
It is also proven that if a PLS problem is NP-hard, then NP = co-NP.[2]
A local search problem L{displaystyle L} is PLS-complete,[2] if
L{displaystyle L}is in PLS
- every problem in PLS can be PLS-reduced to L{displaystyle L}
The optimization version of the circuit problem under the Flip neighborhood structure has been shown to be a first PLS-complete problem.[2]
List of PLS-complete Problems
This is an incompete list of some known problems that are PLS-complete.

Notation: Problem / Neighborhood structure
Min/Max-circuit/Flip has been proven to be the first PLS-complete problem.[2]
Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Flip has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Min/Max-circuit/Flip to Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Flip. Note that Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Flip can be reduced from Max-Cut/Flip too.[8]
Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Kernighan-Lin has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Min/Max-circuit/Flip to Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Kernighan-Lin.[1]
Max-2Sat/Flip has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Max-Cut/Flip to Max-2Sat/Flip.[1][8]
Min-4Sat-B/Flip has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Min-circuit/Flip to Min-4Sat-B/Flip.[7]
Max-4Sat-B/Flip(or CNF-SAT) has been proven to be PLS-complete via a PLS-reduction from Max-circuit/Flip to Max-4Sat-B/Flip.[12]
Max-4Sat-(B=3)/Flip has been proven to be PLS-complete via a PLS-reduction from Max-circuit/Flip to Max-4Sat-(B=3)/Flip.[13]
Max-Uniform-Graph-Partitioning/Swap has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Max-Cut/Flip to Max-Uniform-Graph-partitioning/Swap.[8]
Max-Uniform-Graph-Partitioning/Fiduccia-Matheyses is stated to be PLS-complete without proof.[1]
Max-Uniform-Graph-Partitioning/FM-Swap has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Max-Cut/Flip to Max-Uniform-Graph-partitioning/FM-Swap.[8]
Max-Uniform-Graph-Partitioning/Kernighan-Lin has been proven to be PLS-complete via a PLS-reduction from Min/Max-circuit/Flip to Max-Uniform-Graph-Partitioning/Kernighan-Lin.[2] There is also a tight PLS-reduction from Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Kernighan-Lin to Max-Uniform-Graph-Partitioning/Kernighan-Lin.[1]
Max-Cut/Flip has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Flip to Max-Cut/Flip.[1][8]
Max-Cut/Kernighan-Lin is claimed to be PLS-complete without proof.[6]
Min-Independent-Dominating-Set-B/k-Flip has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Min-4Sat-B’/Flip to Min-Independent-Dominating-Set-B/k-Flip.[7]
Weighted-Independent-Set/Change is claimed to be PLS-complete without proof.[2][8][6]
Maximum-Weighted-Subgraph-with-property-P/Change is PLS-complete if property P = ”has no edges”, as it then equals Weighted-Independent-Set/Change. It has also been proven to be PLS-complete for a general hereditary, non-trivial property P via a tight PLS-reduction from Weighted-Independent-Set/Change to Maximum-Weighted-Subgraph-with-property-P/Change.[14]
Set-Cover/k-change has been proven to be PLS-complete for each k ≥ 2 via a tight PLS-reduction from (3, 2, r)-Max-Constraint-Assignment/Change to Set-Cover/k-change.[15]
Metric-TSP/k-Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a PLS-reduction from Max-4Sat-B/Flip to Metric-TSP/k-Change.[13]
Metric-TSP/Lin-Kernighan has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Max-2Sat/Flip to Metric-TSP/Lin-Kernighan.[16]
Local-Multi-Processor-Scheduling/k-change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Weighted-3Dimensional-Matching/(p, q)-Swap to Local-Multi-Processor-scheduling/(2p+q)-change, where (2p + q) ≥ 8.[5]
Selfish-Multi-Processor-Scheduling/k-change-with-property-t has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Weighted-3Dimensional-Matching/(p, q)-Swap to (2p+q)-Selfish-Multi-Processor-Scheduling/k-change-with-property-t, where (2p + q) ≥ 8.[5]
- Finding the pure Nash Equilibrium in a General-Congestion-Game/Change has been proven PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Flip to General-Congestion-Game/Change.[17]
- Finding the pure Nash Equilibrium in a Symmetric General-Congestion-Game/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from an asymmetric General-Congestion-Game/Change to symmetric General-Congestion-Game/Change.[17]
- Finding a pure pure Nash Equilibrium in an Asymmetric Directed-Network-Congestion-Games/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight reduction from Positive-not-all-equal-max-3Sat/Flip to Directed-Network-Congestion-Games/Change [17] and also via a tight PLS-reduction from 2-Threshold-Games/Change to Directed-Network-Congestion-Games/Change.[18]
- Finding a pure pure Nash Equilibrium in an Asymmetric Undirected-Network-Congestion-Games/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from 2-Threshold-Games/Change to Asymmetric Undirected-Network-Congestion-Games/Change.[18]
- Finding a pure pure Nash Equilibrium in a 2-Threshold-Game/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight reduction from Max-Cut/Flip to 2-Threshold-Game/Change.[18]
- Finding a pure Nash Equilibrium in Market-Sharing-Game/Change with polynomial bounded costs has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from 2-Threshold-Games/Change to Market-Sharing-Game/Change.[18]
- Finding a pure Nash Equilibrium in an Overlay-Network-Design/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a reduction from 2-Threshold-Games/Change to Overlay-Network-Design/Change. Analogously to the proof of asymmetric Directed-Network-Congestion-Game/Change, the reduction is tight.[18]
Min-0-1-Integer Programming/k-Flip has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Min-4Sat-B’/Flip to Min-0-1-Integer Programming/k-Flip.[7]
Max-0-1-Integer Programming/k-Flip is claimed to be PLS-complete because of PLS-reduction to Max-0-1-Integer Programming/k-Flip, but the proof is left out.[7]
(p, q, r)-Max-Constraint-Assignment
(3, 2, 3)-Max-Constraint-Assignment-3-partite/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Circuit/Flip to (3, 2, 3)-Max-Constraint-Assignment-3-partite/Change.[19]
(2, 3, 6)-Max-Constraint-Assignment-2-partite/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight PLS-reduction from Circuit/Flip to (2, 3, 6)-Max-Constraint-Assignment-2-partite/Change.[19]
(6, 2, 2)-Max-Constraint-Assignment/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a tight reduction from Circuit/Flip to (6,2, 2)-Max-Constraint-Assignment/Change.[19]
(4, 3, 3)-Max-Constraint-Assignment/Change equals Max-4Sat-(B=3)/Flip and has been proven to be PLS-complete via a PLS-reduction from Max-circuit/Flip.[13] It is claimed that the reduction can be extended so tightness is obtained.[19]
Nearest-Colorful-Polytope/Change has been proven to be PLS-complete via a PLS-reduction from Max-2Sat/Flip to Nearest-Colorful-Polytope/Change.[3]
Stable-Configuration/Flip in a Hopfield network has been proven to be PLS-complete if the thresholds are 0 and the weights are negative via a tight PLS-reduction from Max-Cut/Flip to Stable-Configuration/Flip.[1][8][16]
Weighted-3Dimensional-Matching/(p, q)-Swap has been proven to be PLS-complete for p ≥9 and q ≥ 15 via a tight PLS-reduction from (2, 3, r)-Max-Constraint-Assignment-2-partite/Change to Weighted-3Dimensional-Matching/(p, q)-Swap.[5]
Yannakakis, Mihalis (2009), "Equilibria, fixed points, and complexity classes", Computer Science Review, 3 (2): 71–85, CiteSeerX, doi:10.1016/ cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"""""""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.
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