
Showing posts from January 4, 2019

My folder turned into a 'USB***' file

3 A folder ( not the disk itself) containing misc. things in my flash drive turned into a single USBCÇNY file when I was running the Sublime Text app. It has no modified-date, nothing, looks like something corrupted and the file manager says it's both 3.42 GB and 0 GB large. My question is now how can that happen? I rant disk-check ( dskchk ) and a tool like Recuva and yet nothing got back. The best I got is, thanks to dskchk , disrupt that file, but it just had a USBC... header with most content nulled, and were just 32 KB., meaning it had nothing! How could I at least avoid that to happen? Before I tried dskchk and Recuva, I used WinRaR to open the USBC file and it said the file doesn't exist. I've tried renaming it too and it were still n't existing. Only the command prompt found it: Yet

Diocese de Itabira-Fabriciano

Diocese de Itabira-Fabriciano Diœcesis Itabirensis-Fabriciannensis Exterior da Catedral de São Sebastião, cossede da Diocese de Itabira-Fabriciano Localização País   Brasil Arquidiocese Metropolitana Arquidiocese de Mariana Estatísticas Área 8 724 km² Paróquias 49 Informação Rito Romano Criação da Diocese 14 de junho de 1965 (53 anos) Catedral ● Catedral Nossa Senhora do Rosário, em Itabira (sé episcopal); ● Catedral de São Sebastião, em Coronel Fabriciano (cossede) Padroeiro(a) Nossa Senhora do Rosário Governo da Diocese Bispo Marco Aurélio Gubiotti Jurisdição diocese Página oficial