
Showing posts from April 8, 2019

OCGX and hyperref: visibility and clickability of overlapping links

7 2 I am using ocgx to display different text blocks (in the same area of the same page) upon clicking links in the PDF. However, each of these textblocks has its own href links, and these links overlap on the page (concealing earlier-defined OCGs) even when no text is visible(!). Is it possible to make an ocg toggle not just visibility, but also layer ordering? In the MWE below, note that toggling the textblock visibility with buttons 1,2 does not toggle the presence of href links, and only the link "" is present, even when neither ocg is visible (mouse pointer not captured in my screenshots).... documentclass{article} usepackage{ocgx} usepackage{hyperref} usepackage{textpos} setlength{TPHorizModule}{12pt} setlength{TPVertModule}{12pt} begin{document} actionsocg{ocg1}{}{ocg2}