
Showing posts from December 22, 2018

CMD Fileless equivalent of < redirection

0 I have a batch that wraps AnyConnect Mobility Client CLI (vpncli.exe) and asks username and password to later handle them to vpncli. Simplified code: set /p user_id=Username: set /p pwd=Password: echo %user_id%> c:tempconfigvpn.txt echo %pwd%>> c:tempconfigvpn.txt set install_dir="C:Program Files (x86)CiscoCisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client" %install_dir%vpncli.exe connect myvpn.mydomain.TLD -s < c:tempconfigvpn.txt net use h: \fileserversharename /user:domain%user_id% %pwd% The last line it's why we do it this way: to not prompt user password twice (first for connecting VPN and second to map network drive) For security reasons I'm improving the script to not write password to disk. I need a fileless equivalent of this "< c:tempconfigvpn.txt" I tried :

How to record streams with Ace Player HD?

5 1 Need help to record an audio/video stream from Ace Player HD program. Uses Ace Stream. It's based on VLC Media Player but seems the record option was removed. Any ideas? vlc-media-player video-streaming recording audio-streaming p2p share | improve this question asked May 17 '15 at 13:10 Smeterlink 284 1 3 10 1 I found how to do it. You have to open Ace Stream Content