
Showing posts from March 5, 2019

Set Proxy credentials in Visual Studio Community when license is expired

0 I have an issue setting the proxy for Visual Studio Community. My trial period license has ended, and I am unable to set the credentials for the proxy server my company uses. I have created the visual studio account using my existing microsoft account, (this is VS community, so free). I have also gone to the devenv.exe.config and opened it up in notepad to edit the <> block with the proxy credentials. I have added the settings: <> <defaultProxy enabled="true"> <proxy bypassonlocal="True" proxyaddress="USERNAME:PASSWORD@http://PROXY IP:PORT"/> </defaultProxy> .... and there are no mistakes in the settings I provided. When I attempt sign in, or open "MyFirstProject" through the website I get the error

Deploying new docker images on Kubernetes from external CI tool

0 I set up a Kubernetes Cluster and everything works fine so far. However, I want to connect this Cluster to my continuous integration / deployment system. I am using CircleCI and would like to trigger a new deploy of my kubernetes setup, once I built everything. What I was stumbling on in particular was, what kind of kubernetes access control / setup I need for that. As far as I understood, I can not use Service Accounts for that. However it would be great to just be able to use kubectl on CircleCI. Any ideas on how to approach this problem? Thanks! deployment share | improve this question asked Feb 6 at 19:10