How to password protect multiple Excel 2007 files with multiple passwords using a Macro?


I'm new here so please let me know if my post is incorrect or anything like that.

I currently have a macro that splits out one excel file into multiple files and saves them separately. This step I have found an answer to and am quite happy with.

I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely. Is there a macro that I can write/use to accomplish this trick for me.

My excel file Tab 1 houses all of my data and currently splits out everything based on column A.

John Test1
John Test2
John Test3
Alex Test4
Alex Test5
Frank Test6
Frank Test7

The macro I use splits this into separates file for John/Alex/Frank that shows only their data with none of the other individuals data.

I also have tab 2 that houses all of the passwords:

John Pw1
Alex Pw2
Frank Pw3

I am looking for a way to have the passwords listed in tab 2 to be applied to the newly created documents during the process of my current macro.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if any of what I asked is unclear.

For reference I will quote the code I found from user mtone because this is the code I am currently using. This code has been very useful for me and I am extremely thankful to mtone for posting it. I don't believe I can send a private message to mtone but if I could I would thank him profusely!

    Public Sub SplitToFiles()

' MACRO SplitToFiles
' Last update: 2012-03-04
' Author: mtone
' Version 1.1
' Description:
' Loops through a specified column, and split each distinct values into a separate file by making a copy and deleting rows below and above
' Note: Values in the column should be unique or sorted.
' The following cells are ignored when delimiting sections:
' - blank cells, or containing spaces only
' - same value repeated
' - cells containing "total"
' Files are saved in a "Split" subfolder from the location of the source workbook, and named after the section name.

Dim osh As Worksheet ' Original sheet
Dim iRow As Long ' Cursors
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iFirstRow As Long ' Constant
Dim iTotalRows As Long ' Constant
Dim iStartRow As Long ' Section delimiters
Dim iStopRow As Long
Dim sSectionName As String ' Section name (and filename)
Dim rCell As Range ' current cell
Dim owb As Workbook ' Original workbook
Dim sFilePath As String ' Constant
Dim iCount As Integer ' # of documents created

iCol = Application.InputBox("Enter the column number used for splitting", "Select column", 2, , , , , 1)
iRow = Application.InputBox("Enter the starting row number (to skip header)", "Select row", 5, , , , , 1)
iFirstRow = iRow

Set osh = Application.ActiveSheet
Set owb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
iTotalRows = osh.UsedRange.Rows.Count
sFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path

If Dir(sFilePath + "Split", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir sFilePath + "Split"
End If

'Turn Off Screen Updating Events
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' Get cell at cursor
Set rCell = osh.Cells(iRow, iCol)
sCell = Replace(rCell.Text, " ", "")

If sCell = "" Or (rCell.Text = sSectionName And iStartRow <> 0) Or InStr(1, rCell.Text, "total", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
' Skip condition met
' Found new section
If iStartRow = 0 Then
' StartRow delimiter not set, meaning beginning a new section
sSectionName = rCell.Text
iStartRow = iRow
' StartRow delimiter set, meaning we reached the end of a section
iStopRow = iRow - 1

' Pass variables to a separate sub to create and save the new worksheet
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1

' Reset section delimiters
iStartRow = 0
iStopRow = 0

' Ready to continue loop
iRow = iRow - 1
End If
End If

' Continue until last row is reached
If iRow < iTotalRows Then
iRow = iRow + 1
' Finished. Save the last section
iStopRow = iRow
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1

' Exit
Exit Do
End If

'Turn On Screen Updating Events
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

MsgBox Str(iCount) + " documents saved in " + sFilePath

End Sub

Public Sub DeleteRows(targetSheet As Worksheet, RowFrom As Long, RowTo As Long)

Dim rngRange As Range
Set rngRange = Range(targetSheet.Cells(RowFrom, 1), targetSheet.Cells(RowTo, 1)).EntireRow

End Sub

Public Sub CopySheet(osh As Worksheet, iFirstRow As Long, iStartRow As Long, iStopRow As Long, iTotalRows As Long, sFilePath As String, sSectionName As String, fileFormat As XlFileFormat)
Dim ash As Worksheet ' Copied sheet
Dim awb As Workbook ' New workbook

' Copy book
Set ash = Application.ActiveSheet

' Delete Rows after section
If iTotalRows > iStopRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iStopRow + 1, iTotalRows
End If

' Delete Rows before section
If iStartRow > iFirstRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iFirstRow, iStartRow - 1
End If

' Select left-topmost cell
ash.Cells(1, 1).Select

' Clean up a few characters to prevent invalid filename
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "/", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ":", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "=", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "*", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ".", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "?", " ")

' Save in same format as original workbook
ash.SaveAs sFilePath + "Split" + sSectionName, fileFormat

' Close
Set awb = ash.Parent
awb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

share|improve this question

  • Hint: look at the additional parameters to the SaveAs() method of the workbook object.

    – markblandford
    Apr 24 '12 at 14:29


I'm new here so please let me know if my post is incorrect or anything like that.

I currently have a macro that splits out one excel file into multiple files and saves them separately. This step I have found an answer to and am quite happy with.

I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely. Is there a macro that I can write/use to accomplish this trick for me.

My excel file Tab 1 houses all of my data and currently splits out everything based on column A.

John Test1
John Test2
John Test3
Alex Test4
Alex Test5
Frank Test6
Frank Test7

The macro I use splits this into separates file for John/Alex/Frank that shows only their data with none of the other individuals data.

I also have tab 2 that houses all of the passwords:

John Pw1
Alex Pw2
Frank Pw3

I am looking for a way to have the passwords listed in tab 2 to be applied to the newly created documents during the process of my current macro.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if any of what I asked is unclear.

For reference I will quote the code I found from user mtone because this is the code I am currently using. This code has been very useful for me and I am extremely thankful to mtone for posting it. I don't believe I can send a private message to mtone but if I could I would thank him profusely!

    Public Sub SplitToFiles()

' MACRO SplitToFiles
' Last update: 2012-03-04
' Author: mtone
' Version 1.1
' Description:
' Loops through a specified column, and split each distinct values into a separate file by making a copy and deleting rows below and above
' Note: Values in the column should be unique or sorted.
' The following cells are ignored when delimiting sections:
' - blank cells, or containing spaces only
' - same value repeated
' - cells containing "total"
' Files are saved in a "Split" subfolder from the location of the source workbook, and named after the section name.

Dim osh As Worksheet ' Original sheet
Dim iRow As Long ' Cursors
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iFirstRow As Long ' Constant
Dim iTotalRows As Long ' Constant
Dim iStartRow As Long ' Section delimiters
Dim iStopRow As Long
Dim sSectionName As String ' Section name (and filename)
Dim rCell As Range ' current cell
Dim owb As Workbook ' Original workbook
Dim sFilePath As String ' Constant
Dim iCount As Integer ' # of documents created

iCol = Application.InputBox("Enter the column number used for splitting", "Select column", 2, , , , , 1)
iRow = Application.InputBox("Enter the starting row number (to skip header)", "Select row", 5, , , , , 1)
iFirstRow = iRow

Set osh = Application.ActiveSheet
Set owb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
iTotalRows = osh.UsedRange.Rows.Count
sFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path

If Dir(sFilePath + "Split", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir sFilePath + "Split"
End If

'Turn Off Screen Updating Events
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' Get cell at cursor
Set rCell = osh.Cells(iRow, iCol)
sCell = Replace(rCell.Text, " ", "")

If sCell = "" Or (rCell.Text = sSectionName And iStartRow <> 0) Or InStr(1, rCell.Text, "total", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
' Skip condition met
' Found new section
If iStartRow = 0 Then
' StartRow delimiter not set, meaning beginning a new section
sSectionName = rCell.Text
iStartRow = iRow
' StartRow delimiter set, meaning we reached the end of a section
iStopRow = iRow - 1

' Pass variables to a separate sub to create and save the new worksheet
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1

' Reset section delimiters
iStartRow = 0
iStopRow = 0

' Ready to continue loop
iRow = iRow - 1
End If
End If

' Continue until last row is reached
If iRow < iTotalRows Then
iRow = iRow + 1
' Finished. Save the last section
iStopRow = iRow
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1

' Exit
Exit Do
End If

'Turn On Screen Updating Events
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

MsgBox Str(iCount) + " documents saved in " + sFilePath

End Sub

Public Sub DeleteRows(targetSheet As Worksheet, RowFrom As Long, RowTo As Long)

Dim rngRange As Range
Set rngRange = Range(targetSheet.Cells(RowFrom, 1), targetSheet.Cells(RowTo, 1)).EntireRow

End Sub

Public Sub CopySheet(osh As Worksheet, iFirstRow As Long, iStartRow As Long, iStopRow As Long, iTotalRows As Long, sFilePath As String, sSectionName As String, fileFormat As XlFileFormat)
Dim ash As Worksheet ' Copied sheet
Dim awb As Workbook ' New workbook

' Copy book
Set ash = Application.ActiveSheet

' Delete Rows after section
If iTotalRows > iStopRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iStopRow + 1, iTotalRows
End If

' Delete Rows before section
If iStartRow > iFirstRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iFirstRow, iStartRow - 1
End If

' Select left-topmost cell
ash.Cells(1, 1).Select

' Clean up a few characters to prevent invalid filename
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "/", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ":", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "=", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "*", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ".", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "?", " ")

' Save in same format as original workbook
ash.SaveAs sFilePath + "Split" + sSectionName, fileFormat

' Close
Set awb = ash.Parent
awb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

share|improve this question

  • Hint: look at the additional parameters to the SaveAs() method of the workbook object.

    – markblandford
    Apr 24 '12 at 14:29




I'm new here so please let me know if my post is incorrect or anything like that.

I currently have a macro that splits out one excel file into multiple files and saves them separately. This step I have found an answer to and am quite happy with.

I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely. Is there a macro that I can write/use to accomplish this trick for me.

My excel file Tab 1 houses all of my data and currently splits out everything based on column A.

John Test1
John Test2
John Test3
Alex Test4
Alex Test5
Frank Test6
Frank Test7

The macro I use splits this into separates file for John/Alex/Frank that shows only their data with none of the other individuals data.

I also have tab 2 that houses all of the passwords:

John Pw1
Alex Pw2
Frank Pw3

I am looking for a way to have the passwords listed in tab 2 to be applied to the newly created documents during the process of my current macro.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if any of what I asked is unclear.

For reference I will quote the code I found from user mtone because this is the code I am currently using. This code has been very useful for me and I am extremely thankful to mtone for posting it. I don't believe I can send a private message to mtone but if I could I would thank him profusely!

    Public Sub SplitToFiles()

' MACRO SplitToFiles
' Last update: 2012-03-04
' Author: mtone
' Version 1.1
' Description:
' Loops through a specified column, and split each distinct values into a separate file by making a copy and deleting rows below and above
' Note: Values in the column should be unique or sorted.
' The following cells are ignored when delimiting sections:
' - blank cells, or containing spaces only
' - same value repeated
' - cells containing "total"
' Files are saved in a "Split" subfolder from the location of the source workbook, and named after the section name.

Dim osh As Worksheet ' Original sheet
Dim iRow As Long ' Cursors
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iFirstRow As Long ' Constant
Dim iTotalRows As Long ' Constant
Dim iStartRow As Long ' Section delimiters
Dim iStopRow As Long
Dim sSectionName As String ' Section name (and filename)
Dim rCell As Range ' current cell
Dim owb As Workbook ' Original workbook
Dim sFilePath As String ' Constant
Dim iCount As Integer ' # of documents created

iCol = Application.InputBox("Enter the column number used for splitting", "Select column", 2, , , , , 1)
iRow = Application.InputBox("Enter the starting row number (to skip header)", "Select row", 5, , , , , 1)
iFirstRow = iRow

Set osh = Application.ActiveSheet
Set owb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
iTotalRows = osh.UsedRange.Rows.Count
sFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path

If Dir(sFilePath + "Split", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir sFilePath + "Split"
End If

'Turn Off Screen Updating Events
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' Get cell at cursor
Set rCell = osh.Cells(iRow, iCol)
sCell = Replace(rCell.Text, " ", "")

If sCell = "" Or (rCell.Text = sSectionName And iStartRow <> 0) Or InStr(1, rCell.Text, "total", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
' Skip condition met
' Found new section
If iStartRow = 0 Then
' StartRow delimiter not set, meaning beginning a new section
sSectionName = rCell.Text
iStartRow = iRow
' StartRow delimiter set, meaning we reached the end of a section
iStopRow = iRow - 1

' Pass variables to a separate sub to create and save the new worksheet
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1

' Reset section delimiters
iStartRow = 0
iStopRow = 0

' Ready to continue loop
iRow = iRow - 1
End If
End If

' Continue until last row is reached
If iRow < iTotalRows Then
iRow = iRow + 1
' Finished. Save the last section
iStopRow = iRow
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1

' Exit
Exit Do
End If

'Turn On Screen Updating Events
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

MsgBox Str(iCount) + " documents saved in " + sFilePath

End Sub

Public Sub DeleteRows(targetSheet As Worksheet, RowFrom As Long, RowTo As Long)

Dim rngRange As Range
Set rngRange = Range(targetSheet.Cells(RowFrom, 1), targetSheet.Cells(RowTo, 1)).EntireRow

End Sub

Public Sub CopySheet(osh As Worksheet, iFirstRow As Long, iStartRow As Long, iStopRow As Long, iTotalRows As Long, sFilePath As String, sSectionName As String, fileFormat As XlFileFormat)
Dim ash As Worksheet ' Copied sheet
Dim awb As Workbook ' New workbook

' Copy book
Set ash = Application.ActiveSheet

' Delete Rows after section
If iTotalRows > iStopRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iStopRow + 1, iTotalRows
End If

' Delete Rows before section
If iStartRow > iFirstRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iFirstRow, iStartRow - 1
End If

' Select left-topmost cell
ash.Cells(1, 1).Select

' Clean up a few characters to prevent invalid filename
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "/", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ":", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "=", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "*", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ".", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "?", " ")

' Save in same format as original workbook
ash.SaveAs sFilePath + "Split" + sSectionName, fileFormat

' Close
Set awb = ash.Parent
awb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

share|improve this question

I'm new here so please let me know if my post is incorrect or anything like that.

I currently have a macro that splits out one excel file into multiple files and saves them separately. This step I have found an answer to and am quite happy with.

I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely. Is there a macro that I can write/use to accomplish this trick for me.

My excel file Tab 1 houses all of my data and currently splits out everything based on column A.

John Test1
John Test2
John Test3
Alex Test4
Alex Test5
Frank Test6
Frank Test7

The macro I use splits this into separates file for John/Alex/Frank that shows only their data with none of the other individuals data.

I also have tab 2 that houses all of the passwords:

John Pw1
Alex Pw2
Frank Pw3

I am looking for a way to have the passwords listed in tab 2 to be applied to the newly created documents during the process of my current macro.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if any of what I asked is unclear.

For reference I will quote the code I found from user mtone because this is the code I am currently using. This code has been very useful for me and I am extremely thankful to mtone for posting it. I don't believe I can send a private message to mtone but if I could I would thank him profusely!

    Public Sub SplitToFiles()

' MACRO SplitToFiles
' Last update: 2012-03-04
' Author: mtone
' Version 1.1
' Description:
' Loops through a specified column, and split each distinct values into a separate file by making a copy and deleting rows below and above
' Note: Values in the column should be unique or sorted.
' The following cells are ignored when delimiting sections:
' - blank cells, or containing spaces only
' - same value repeated
' - cells containing "total"
' Files are saved in a "Split" subfolder from the location of the source workbook, and named after the section name.

Dim osh As Worksheet ' Original sheet
Dim iRow As Long ' Cursors
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iFirstRow As Long ' Constant
Dim iTotalRows As Long ' Constant
Dim iStartRow As Long ' Section delimiters
Dim iStopRow As Long
Dim sSectionName As String ' Section name (and filename)
Dim rCell As Range ' current cell
Dim owb As Workbook ' Original workbook
Dim sFilePath As String ' Constant
Dim iCount As Integer ' # of documents created

iCol = Application.InputBox("Enter the column number used for splitting", "Select column", 2, , , , , 1)
iRow = Application.InputBox("Enter the starting row number (to skip header)", "Select row", 5, , , , , 1)
iFirstRow = iRow

Set osh = Application.ActiveSheet
Set owb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
iTotalRows = osh.UsedRange.Rows.Count
sFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path

If Dir(sFilePath + "Split", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir sFilePath + "Split"
End If

'Turn Off Screen Updating Events
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' Get cell at cursor
Set rCell = osh.Cells(iRow, iCol)
sCell = Replace(rCell.Text, " ", "")

If sCell = "" Or (rCell.Text = sSectionName And iStartRow <> 0) Or InStr(1, rCell.Text, "total", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
' Skip condition met
' Found new section
If iStartRow = 0 Then
' StartRow delimiter not set, meaning beginning a new section
sSectionName = rCell.Text
iStartRow = iRow
' StartRow delimiter set, meaning we reached the end of a section
iStopRow = iRow - 1

' Pass variables to a separate sub to create and save the new worksheet
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1

' Reset section delimiters
iStartRow = 0
iStopRow = 0

' Ready to continue loop
iRow = iRow - 1
End If
End If

' Continue until last row is reached
If iRow < iTotalRows Then
iRow = iRow + 1
' Finished. Save the last section
iStopRow = iRow
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1

' Exit
Exit Do
End If

'Turn On Screen Updating Events
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True

MsgBox Str(iCount) + " documents saved in " + sFilePath

End Sub

Public Sub DeleteRows(targetSheet As Worksheet, RowFrom As Long, RowTo As Long)

Dim rngRange As Range
Set rngRange = Range(targetSheet.Cells(RowFrom, 1), targetSheet.Cells(RowTo, 1)).EntireRow

End Sub

Public Sub CopySheet(osh As Worksheet, iFirstRow As Long, iStartRow As Long, iStopRow As Long, iTotalRows As Long, sFilePath As String, sSectionName As String, fileFormat As XlFileFormat)
Dim ash As Worksheet ' Copied sheet
Dim awb As Workbook ' New workbook

' Copy book
Set ash = Application.ActiveSheet

' Delete Rows after section
If iTotalRows > iStopRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iStopRow + 1, iTotalRows
End If

' Delete Rows before section
If iStartRow > iFirstRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iFirstRow, iStartRow - 1
End If

' Select left-topmost cell
ash.Cells(1, 1).Select

' Clean up a few characters to prevent invalid filename
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "/", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ":", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "=", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "*", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ".", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "?", " ")

' Save in same format as original workbook
ash.SaveAs sFilePath + "Split" + sSectionName, fileFormat

' Close
Set awb = ash.Parent
awb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

microsoft-excel microsoft-excel-2007 vba

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edited Mar 1 '16 at 22:29




asked Apr 23 '12 at 16:01




  • Hint: look at the additional parameters to the SaveAs() method of the workbook object.

    – markblandford
    Apr 24 '12 at 14:29

  • Hint: look at the additional parameters to the SaveAs() method of the workbook object.

    – markblandford
    Apr 24 '12 at 14:29

Hint: look at the additional parameters to the SaveAs() method of the workbook object.

– markblandford
Apr 24 '12 at 14:29

Hint: look at the additional parameters to the SaveAs() method of the workbook object.

– markblandford
Apr 24 '12 at 14:29

1 Answer





I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely.

Password protecting excel files should not be considered secure. There are multiple options online for cracking these type of documents, and even newer versions of excel still have security vulnerabilities. If the files contain sensitive data you should consider some other kind of encryption such as PGP.

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer











    I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely.

    Password protecting excel files should not be considered secure. There are multiple options online for cracking these type of documents, and even newer versions of excel still have security vulnerabilities. If the files contain sensitive data you should consider some other kind of encryption such as PGP.

    share|improve this answer


      I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely.

      Password protecting excel files should not be considered secure. There are multiple options online for cracking these type of documents, and even newer versions of excel still have security vulnerabilities. If the files contain sensitive data you should consider some other kind of encryption such as PGP.

      share|improve this answer




        I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely.

        Password protecting excel files should not be considered secure. There are multiple options online for cracking these type of documents, and even newer versions of excel still have security vulnerabilities. If the files contain sensitive data you should consider some other kind of encryption such as PGP.

        share|improve this answer

        I need these files to be password protected so when I email them out to clients I feel that they are being transmitted securely.

        Password protecting excel files should not be considered secure. There are multiple options online for cracking these type of documents, and even newer versions of excel still have security vulnerabilities. If the files contain sensitive data you should consider some other kind of encryption such as PGP.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Apr 30 '12 at 16:46




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            Probability when a professor distributes a quiz and homework assignment to a class of n students.

            Aardman Animations

            Padre Marcelo Rossi