Trying to setup windows 10/ ubuntu dualboot. now it won't go past mobo bios [closed]

Multi tool use
I'm trying to setup dualboot, and i've been having issues ever since I started. I thought maybe the old drive that I used before I got an ssd was the issue. as I didn't bother taking windows off it. So I dumped all my important stuff to the third drive I had on the system and repartitioned it entirely. I then uninstalled rEFInd (or tried to) and I kept on getting kicked back to it. To be safe I removed the partition that refind was in, and now I cant get past the bios... no windows no ubuntu.... please help :(
windows-10 ubuntu partitioning bios
closed as too broad by fixer1234, n8te, bertieb, harrymc, Pimp Juice IT Dec 12 at 20:09
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
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I'm trying to setup dualboot, and i've been having issues ever since I started. I thought maybe the old drive that I used before I got an ssd was the issue. as I didn't bother taking windows off it. So I dumped all my important stuff to the third drive I had on the system and repartitioned it entirely. I then uninstalled rEFInd (or tried to) and I kept on getting kicked back to it. To be safe I removed the partition that refind was in, and now I cant get past the bios... no windows no ubuntu.... please help :(
windows-10 ubuntu partitioning bios
closed as too broad by fixer1234, n8te, bertieb, harrymc, Pimp Juice IT Dec 12 at 20:09
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
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I'm trying to setup dualboot, and i've been having issues ever since I started. I thought maybe the old drive that I used before I got an ssd was the issue. as I didn't bother taking windows off it. So I dumped all my important stuff to the third drive I had on the system and repartitioned it entirely. I then uninstalled rEFInd (or tried to) and I kept on getting kicked back to it. To be safe I removed the partition that refind was in, and now I cant get past the bios... no windows no ubuntu.... please help :(
windows-10 ubuntu partitioning bios
I'm trying to setup dualboot, and i've been having issues ever since I started. I thought maybe the old drive that I used before I got an ssd was the issue. as I didn't bother taking windows off it. So I dumped all my important stuff to the third drive I had on the system and repartitioned it entirely. I then uninstalled rEFInd (or tried to) and I kept on getting kicked back to it. To be safe I removed the partition that refind was in, and now I cant get past the bios... no windows no ubuntu.... please help :(
windows-10 ubuntu partitioning bios
windows-10 ubuntu partitioning bios
asked Dec 9 at 23:22

Riley Jarvis
closed as too broad by fixer1234, n8te, bertieb, harrymc, Pimp Juice IT Dec 12 at 20:09
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
closed as too broad by fixer1234, n8te, bertieb, harrymc, Pimp Juice IT Dec 12 at 20:09
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
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1 Answer
It sounds like the MBR is either deleted or corrupted. You can try to pop in a Windows Startup Repair CD and select it to automatically repair startup. This should re create the Windows Boot Loader and at least get you into your Windows installation. Back when I dual-booted Windows and Kali Linux, I had to delete the SYSTEM RESERVED partition which holds the Windows Boot Loader AND Startup Repair. I deleted that partition in order to free up at least one partition on my MBR laptop and create an EXTENDED PARTITION for linux. Anyway, I used a Startup Repair disk that you can create inside Windows with a CD and used the automated startup repair to recreate the MBR. Windows booted right up. Although you will have to somehow get into a Live USB linux and flag the Windows Partition as bootable.
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1 Answer
1 Answer
It sounds like the MBR is either deleted or corrupted. You can try to pop in a Windows Startup Repair CD and select it to automatically repair startup. This should re create the Windows Boot Loader and at least get you into your Windows installation. Back when I dual-booted Windows and Kali Linux, I had to delete the SYSTEM RESERVED partition which holds the Windows Boot Loader AND Startup Repair. I deleted that partition in order to free up at least one partition on my MBR laptop and create an EXTENDED PARTITION for linux. Anyway, I used a Startup Repair disk that you can create inside Windows with a CD and used the automated startup repair to recreate the MBR. Windows booted right up. Although you will have to somehow get into a Live USB linux and flag the Windows Partition as bootable.
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It sounds like the MBR is either deleted or corrupted. You can try to pop in a Windows Startup Repair CD and select it to automatically repair startup. This should re create the Windows Boot Loader and at least get you into your Windows installation. Back when I dual-booted Windows and Kali Linux, I had to delete the SYSTEM RESERVED partition which holds the Windows Boot Loader AND Startup Repair. I deleted that partition in order to free up at least one partition on my MBR laptop and create an EXTENDED PARTITION for linux. Anyway, I used a Startup Repair disk that you can create inside Windows with a CD and used the automated startup repair to recreate the MBR. Windows booted right up. Although you will have to somehow get into a Live USB linux and flag the Windows Partition as bootable.
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It sounds like the MBR is either deleted or corrupted. You can try to pop in a Windows Startup Repair CD and select it to automatically repair startup. This should re create the Windows Boot Loader and at least get you into your Windows installation. Back when I dual-booted Windows and Kali Linux, I had to delete the SYSTEM RESERVED partition which holds the Windows Boot Loader AND Startup Repair. I deleted that partition in order to free up at least one partition on my MBR laptop and create an EXTENDED PARTITION for linux. Anyway, I used a Startup Repair disk that you can create inside Windows with a CD and used the automated startup repair to recreate the MBR. Windows booted right up. Although you will have to somehow get into a Live USB linux and flag the Windows Partition as bootable.
It sounds like the MBR is either deleted or corrupted. You can try to pop in a Windows Startup Repair CD and select it to automatically repair startup. This should re create the Windows Boot Loader and at least get you into your Windows installation. Back when I dual-booted Windows and Kali Linux, I had to delete the SYSTEM RESERVED partition which holds the Windows Boot Loader AND Startup Repair. I deleted that partition in order to free up at least one partition on my MBR laptop and create an EXTENDED PARTITION for linux. Anyway, I used a Startup Repair disk that you can create inside Windows with a CD and used the automated startup repair to recreate the MBR. Windows booted right up. Although you will have to somehow get into a Live USB linux and flag the Windows Partition as bootable.
answered Dec 11 at 2:13

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